Sep 2Liked by Lois Thomson Bowersock

Great piece, Lois! I too can tear up a golf course, even without the benefit of double vision.

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Aug 22Liked by Lois Thomson Bowersock

You make aging sound like so much fun! Thanks for posting. You've turned me into an optimist.

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You can see clearly now, Diana! I hear you!

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It sounds like you had a great opthomologist. I see my opthomologist on Monday. I have macular degeneration and it has gotten worse in one eye. I see a future of injections. Wish me luck; I wish you the same with your wonderful new eyes.

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A close friend of mine has macular degeneration. I’ve “walked the journey with him.” There was one point in time when I had trouble seeing out of my left eye, and he had trouble seeing out of his right eye. Between us, we at least had one good pair of eyes. I will be praying for your sight, Sandy. Keep me posted on how it progresses. Best wishes to you.

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Aug 22Liked by Lois Thomson Bowersock

Gosh, I am so behind the times. When I go grocery shopping, I... just go grocery shopping. Maybe I should get some fake earbuds, so people think I'm listening to something?

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Gotta get with the program Wyrd! My grandkids laugh at me when I call them “earbuds”… apparently they are “airpods”. I’m with you, though. They’re earbuds to me.

Don’t worry about getting fake earbuds for the grocery store. You can go commando with your ears and no one will know! Yak it up! Trust me, everyone in the store will ASSUME you have hidden earbuds/airpods. Most people are too engrossed with their own digital devices to pay heed to anyone else. :)

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Aug 22Liked by Lois Thomson Bowersock

I’ll get one of those wire coil things dangling from ear and really confuse them by talking into my cuff like a Secret Service agent. “No, ma’am, I’m sorry, but I can’t reveal who that really is shopping for zucchini over there.”

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Wear your hat and add a pair of dark sunglasses.

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Aug 23Liked by Lois Thomson Bowersock

Ah, right! Gotta have the sunglasses, bare minimum! And I do like hats…

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You’re all set! I can hardly wait to see what you write about it….

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Oh, but the first rule of Grocery Club… is don’t write about Grocery Club. 😎😶

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Hilarious! Welcome to the Club! As you are discovering there are many advantages to aging, and the Bluetooth hearing aids are one of them. Sorry I can’t come up with a sentence using “Blueteeth” without involving Halloween. But I’ll keep trying!

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Lois, you certainly know how to spin a tale!

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