Another beaut!

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Thank you, Joe. I appreciate you comments. You are always so encouraging. L

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Sep 15Liked by Lois Thomson Bowersock

You can have all the milk chocolate you want.

I want Dark chocolate

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Wonderful! We will get along perfectly! Best of both worlds for us. L

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Sep 16Liked by Lois Thomson Bowersock

You had me at "donkey chocolate". 😂 (And now I'm wondering about camel chocolate and goat chocolate.) I discovered white chocolate long ago in Switzerland. Thought I'd died and gone to heaven. That said, I'm far more into caramel. And now I'm old enough that I'm *expected* to have Werther's candies in my pocket at all times. 😋

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You have a sweet tooth! Maybe there’s a market for camel chocolate and goat chocolate. I know there’s a huge market for chocolate pecan turtles! Why not Chocolate Camel *oes? Or, Goat Milk Chocolate Carmel-filled Horns?

Werther’s are good too. They aren’t chocolates… but they’re still good.

I think (this is just something I heard and I haven’t verified it) white chocolate is NOT chocolate either. I heard it is made of “fat and sugar”. It sure tastes good, regardless.

Best to you, Wyrd.

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Sep 16Liked by Lois Thomson Bowersock

Thank you! And to you!

According to Wikipedia: “White chocolate is a form of chocolate typically made of sugar, milk, and cocoa butter, but no cocoa solids.” So, it’s apparently a form of milk chocolate.

You know, I’d bet there’s a market for some sort of candy that combined chocolate and caramel… 🤔

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Do you mean the two of them all mixed up together? It could be called chocomelo. Or something equally as obvious. I’m sure you can come up with the formula. Formulas are your department…

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Sep 17Liked by Lois Thomson Bowersock

I was just being wry about all the candies that have both, but I like the idea of mixing them. You’d think someone has a choco-mel sauce out.

Formulas! Equations maybe. Formulas is the chemistry and cooking department down the hall.

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Sep 15Liked by Lois Thomson Bowersock

The finest milk chocolate I ever had came from Germany. I'll never forget that texture, flavor and sublime overtones of something almost citrusy. I hope you brought back enough for me! xD

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Ah Dave, chocolate never lasts in my possession. I bring home pounds of it and somehow it vanishes. A chocolate thief steals it from my house a night…. L

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Another terrific read, Lois. And, no one can blame you for chocolate drool - it’s a given.

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You've been eavesdropping on my brain, huh? I have been working on a post about Dresden this last week on and off. It seems to be "on the wire" right now. I have always known about it, I just recently delved a bit deeper. It is absolutely evil and disgusting what was done. Here is a tid bit:

"The father of the family remained at home and seldom spoke as he shuffled between the family home and a separate workshop where he made briar pipes. In fact, I can't recall ever hearing his voice during our many visits. A half century later, I met the daughter who was my age and she explained why her father never spoke. Before the war, he'd studied at Dresden and knew the people, places, and cultural richness of that city. His name was Gettsinger. During WW2 he flew a B-24 during bombing raids over Germany. He knew what he was destroying at Dresden and couldn't bear to ever hear any mention of that city. Despite the passage of many years, he would spontaneously burst into tears at any mention of Dresden."

Maybe I was eavesdropping on your brain......Regards

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It was difficult for those guys. We can’t judge. Here’s my take on the B24 bombing runs in WW II https://open.substack.com/pub/davidwzoll/p/the-air-war-over-europe?r=3a09av&utm_medium=ios

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I know it was difficult. Indeed, especially when "back in the days" the propaganda was taken as true. Many people were "true believers."

"He who makes you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."


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What a great story! Only you could tie together a Dresden bombing, free range hens and donkey milk for a delightful morning read. Fun as always.

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Nice! Real nice!!

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Fantastic article! We’ve been to Dresden and loved it but such a great angle and so interesting!

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